Friday, 13 March 2015

10 Hacking Software and Tools, Every hacker must have

10 Hacking Software and Tools

Contains a following software:

- Cain and Abel (sniffer)

- John the Ripper (powerful brootforce)

- NetStumbler (allows to define radius of action of network WiFi – in real time for the diagram it is possible to see size of a useful signal)

- Nmap (one of the best network scanner)

- Putty (a quite good telnet the client)

- SuperScan (powerful scanner TCP of ports, pinger and hostname resolver)

- Hping (allows to generate special ICMP/UDP/TCP packages and to look through answers ping a host in style of the usual utility ping)

- Lcp (audit and restoration of passwords Windows NT / 2000 / XP / 2003)

- Nikto (perl the scanner broken Web a server, with support SSL)

- Kismet (sniffer a wireless network 802.11 and the decoder of packages)

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